Could a young man in your life use a little mentorship toward greater fulfillment?
Is he ready to catalyze deep lasting change in himself?
(Or perhaps you want this for your self!?)

My name is Ben Browner.
I help young men (and others) to recognize their behavioral patterns, understand their worldviews, get in touch with their emotions, assess what progress looks like, then ACT on it.
Modern families must navigate life’s challenges without the robust support once provided by village life. Mentors, positive role models, and rites of passage are sorely missing. My mission is to offer these time-honored methods of support to you and those you love.
Young men often think of me as a kind of “Uncle” – That cool older guy who isn’t their parent, but who’s still part of the family, who always has their back, who they can come to with vulnerable emotions, and who consistently imparts timely wisdom, inspiring them to reach for their dreams and developmental goals while still enjoying a good life.
Weekly Client Package
For those seeking deep engagement and transformative results.
“Ala carte” services to call upon as you desire: